Albion Design - It's just me!


Firstly thank you so much for looking at my website!  I am Melissa and I graduated in woven textiles back in 1999, and I specialised in woven linens.  My wide range of yarns that had been hand spun and dyed were sitting in my workshop unloved and unused and one evening, fiddling around, I made a tassel with some lovely Irish linen yarn...  and we were off!  After making more tassels than I knew what to do with whilst watching The Great British Bake Off, I then made my first necklace with some lovely vintage amber beads, once I started I couldn't stop and beads took over the house.  My lovely children, husband and dogs are now used to side stepping beads, tassels, charms and tools as new ideas and designs are created.  

I am passionate about natural materials, and so I use stones, semi-precious and simple stones, wood and lava in my designs.  I adore using essential oils, I use a huge variety of them everyday and so much of what I design can be used with oils added to them so that you have a whole sensory experience.


As we went into 2020 I was still playing with Albion Design and just enjoying setting it up... then we went into lockdown in the U.K. and my well established dog care business fell into oblivion, as did I!  Cutting a long story short I threw all my energy and time into home schooling the kids and getting Albion Design well and truly off the ground.  I write this in October 2020 and I can honestly say without the support of everyone who has loved my little business, shared my designs and bought, I am not sure where we would be, to say I am grateful is an understatement.  THANK YOU!

I feel pure joy when someone purchases a piece of our jewellery and I thank you all for enjoying it.
